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Q & A


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When can I shop the Lilly Sunshine Sale? 

Every once in a while, we load our website, app, and stores with TONS of goodies for you. We can’t spill too much because then it wouldn’t be as fun…but you can sign up to receive emails about all the juice at Lilly (that means sales, promotions, new arrivals, and so much more).

What is the Lilly Sunshine Sale?

Occasionally, we load our website and app with hundreds of styles for you with our best marked down prices of the season.

How can I shop the Lilly Sunshine Sale?

You can shop the sale online, in one of our stores, via our iOS app, or at your local Signature Store. We recommend creating a digital account prior to the Sale to ensure the smoothest checkout experience. By joining our free Club Lilly loyalty program, you’ll receive members-only perks like early-access to the sale and so much more! It’s free and easy to sign up.